
Clement and the Early Church of Rome: On the Dating of Clement’s First Epistle to the Corinthians is unavailable, but you can change that!

Clement of Rome’s First Epistle to the Corinthians is a supremely valuable historical document. One of very few noncanonical Christian texts to reach us from the first century, it’s an early example of the exercise of hierarchical—and Roman—authority in the Church. Disciplinary in nature, Clement’s epistle speaks volumes about the life of the early church. The early Christians guarded the letter...

Messiah is based on an interpretation of the Old Testament as prophesying about Jesus. This was particularly important in coming to understand the apparent paradox that Jesus was a suffering Messiah. In this section of 1 Clement, although he still does not give any sign of knowing the actual written Gospels, he does show familiarity with certain key Old Testament texts which were instrumental in enabling the Gospel writers to compose their Gospels. First Clement, then, may be an early reflection
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